Tag: Elma Tinch

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The Tinch Family at 2 Balfour Village. Photo-394 053EBB3D-5595-4CAC-90D0-00318176AE2E 2 Balfour village, William Tinch, John Tinch, Jim Tinch, David Tinch, Isabella Tinch, Mrs Brock, Alexina Tinch, William Tinch jnr, Jean Tinch, Elma Tinch Photo
South School, 1916. Photo-631 5FAB47A8-DA0D-47F8-AC93-5596CADEC19B Billy Skea, 1916, Maggie Craigie, J rendall, Agnes Shearer, William Irvine, John Laughton, George Sinclair, Elma Tinch, Jim Scott, Annie Skea, South School, Lillian Nicholson, Mackie Kirkness, R Rendall, R Shearer, Jim Kirkness, C Craigie, J Heddle, Eddie Sinclair, C McKay, Alf Moncrieff, Willie Eunson, Hugh Craigie Photo