Tag: George Sinclair

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Sinclair boys at Grassquoy. Photo-358 3CE4180B-2424-4986-8E22-543B476DFFAF Grassquoy, EdwinSinclair, George Sinclair, Thomas Sinclair Photo
Sinclair boys at Grassquoy. Photo-359 EE834D8F-8214-4D57-9553-47051B52879D Grassquoy, EdwinSinclair, George Sinclair, Thomas Sinclair Photo
South School, 1916. Photo-631 5FAB47A8-DA0D-47F8-AC93-5596CADEC19B Billy Skea, 1916, Maggie Craigie, J rendall, Agnes Shearer, William Irvine, John Laughton, George Sinclair, Elma Tinch, Jim Scott, Annie Skea, South School, Lillian Nicholson, Mackie Kirkness, R Rendall, R Shearer, Jim Kirkness, C Craigie, J Heddle, Eddie Sinclair, C McKay, Alf Moncrieff, Willie Eunson, Hugh Craigie Photo
Howe during WW1. Photo-816 90B12460-2404-43B1-BA95-E7C3208E87D3 WW1, Walter Rendall, Danny Anderson, George Sinclair, Howe, Jimmy Rendall, James Foubister Photo