Tag: James Skethaway

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North School, 1924. Photo-616 8C0BB856-261C-4539-BC67-223D71CD8BCB Jeanny Wards, Lillie Allan, Jessie Hutchison, Daisy Meason, Jim Nicholson, Maggie Skethaway, Bertie Mainland, North School, John Wards, Jemima Sinclair, William Close, 1924, Mrs Close, James Skethaway Photo
North School Boys, 1925. Photo-618 39CEA261-94B0-4603-A082-458595DD0989 John Nicholson, Tommy Nicholson, Quholm, 1925, Bertie Mainland, North School, Billy Allan, John Wards, James Skethaway, Tom Groat, Leslie ?, John Robertson, Bertie Robertson, John David Kemp Photo
North School, 1925. Photo-622 John Nicholson, Tommy Nicholson, Bab Wards, Lillie Allan, Johnny Wards, Jessie Jean Hutchison, 1925, Jim Nicholson, Sheila Mainland, Bertie Mainland, North School, Billy Allan, James Skethaway, Janet Wilson, Mimie Sinclair, Irene McAdie, Leslie ?, Robertson, John David Kemp, Holm, Tommy Groat Photo