Tag: Robbie Hutchison

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Robbie, Jessie, Jessie Jean, and Rhoda Hutchison, Habreck. Photo-293 B7F605E3-414D-4EC8-B040-6FF7A1F03373 Habreck, Jessie Hutchison, Robbie Hutchison, Rhoda Hutchison, Jessie Jean Hutchison Photo
Jessie, Robbie and Elizabeth Hutchison, with David Cromarty. Photo-294 2D70FAE0-B92E-4599-BEBB-D8F265EA4239 bicycle, Elizabeth Hutchison, Jessie Hutchison, Robbie Hutchison, David Cromarty, Mowat Photo
Jessie Jean, Robbie, Jessie, and Rhoda Hutchison at Habreck. Photo-295 B3CBB0C9-EFEB-4AF1-ABDE-7051F070721B Habreck, Jessie Hutchison, Robbie Hutchison, Rhoda Hutchison, Jessie Jean Hutchison Photo
Workmen install sewage scheme at Balfour Castle. Photo-567 66663278-C98E-4298-8355-D6E361BCCE79 Whitecleat, Balfour Castle, Robert Sinclair, William Work, William Tinch, David Craigie, John Geddes, 1900s, Tom Shearer, Netherbigging, Caskald, Robbie Hutchison, Furrowend, John Laughton, Howe, James Tait, John Work, sewage system insdtallation, Davy Russell, William Foubister, Peter Fleet, Jim Foubister, James Mowat Photo
Robbie Hutchison with shop van at Newlot. Photo-585 74A5A734-D340-4B76-BB1C-D359627C1091 horse, John Nicholson, Newlot, Robbie Hutchison, Mrs Irving, Mrs Nicholson, shop van Photo
Robbie Hutchison with shop van. Photo-586 71962A45-5D85-4C4F-9019-4BD56BA7AC88 horse, Robbie Hutchison, shop van Photo
Robbie Hutchison with shop van and customers, 1916. Photo-590 CE6D1E27-78A4-412D-A756-829617F0E410_4_5005_c basket, horse, 1916, Robbie Hutchison, dogs, shop van, soldier Photo