Tag: Robert Sinclair

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James Sinclair, outside Robert Sinclair's store. Photo-125 CBF5548E-B864-4248-B03A-557BAD511EC6 wagon, James Sinclair, shophorse, Robert Sinclair Photo
The Sinclair Family at Lucknow Photo-365 20C61C96-C6A8-46DF-BC55-3D0CBFB99C86 James Sinclair, Robert Sinclair, Lucknow, Jim Sinclair, Bethia Sinclair, Esther Sinclair, Mrs Sinclair, Minnie Sinclair, Lizzie Sinclair, Polly Sinclair Photo
Sinclair family at Lucknow. Photo-368 473C765C-6C66-4203-BCFF-984DDD76ADFE James Sinclair, Robert Sinclair, Lucknow, Jim Sinclair, Bethia Sinclair, Minnie Sinclair, Lizzie Sinclair, Polly Sinclair Photo
Sinclair Family Portrait. Photo-374 8A7FEEEC-7FBE-4FD9-9249-BAB496CF9F87 Robert Sinclair, John Sinclair, Thomas Sinclair, Moll Harrold, Tommy Sinclair jnr, Mary Jean Peem, Moll Sinclair Photo
Workmen install sewage scheme at Balfour Castle. Photo-567 66663278-C98E-4298-8355-D6E361BCCE79 Whitecleat, Balfour Castle, Robert Sinclair, William Work, William Tinch, David Craigie, John Geddes, 1900s, Tom Shearer, Netherbigging, Caskald, Robbie Hutchison, Furrowend, John Laughton, Howe, James Tait, John Work, sewage system insdtallation, Davy Russell, William Foubister, Peter Fleet, Jim Foubister, James Mowat Photo
South School, 1961. Mrs Mack's Class. Photo-646 2BC4CBDF-B81A-40A7-9759-E95EA1BCB6C6 Tommy Leslie, 1961, Robert Sinclair, Colin Rendall, South School, Inga Work, Pat Swannie, Ellen Drever, Margaret Johnston, Eric Muir, Mrs Mack, Alan Muir, Elaine Sinclair, Michael Nicholson, Maureen Allan, Lorraine Swannie, Monica Foubister, Yvonne Delday, Stuart Delday, Elsie Davidson, Vivienne Delday Photo
South School, 1964. Mrs Sinclair's Class. Photo-649 46DA00C0-9AA1-4BDE-A560-F587EA3B98A1 Tommy Leslie, 1961, Robert Sinclair, Colin Rendall, Mrs Sinclair, South School, Inga Work, James Drever, Eddie Sinclair, Ellen Drever, Margaret Johnston, Eric Muir, Alan Muir, Elaine Sinclair, Michael Nicholson, Lorraine Swannie, Monica Foubister, Elsie Davidson, Norman Muir, Linda Wards Photo
South School, 1964. Photo-651 913E6BA1-9105-4637-8EB6-13B351DC97E3 John David Work, Stanley Bews, Alistair Foubister, Tommy Leslie, 1964, Alan Sinclair, Robert Sinclair, Reuben Johnston, George Muir, Neil Sinclair, Colin Rendall, Billy Russell, Mrs Sinclair, South School, Inga Work, James Drever, Eddie Sinclair, John Johnston, James Muir, Brian Rendall, Pat Swannie, Ellen Drever, Margaret Johnston, Eric Muir, Alan Muir, Elaine Sinclair, Michael Nicholson, Lorraine Swannie, Monica Foubister, Elsie Davidson, Ivan Rendall, Norman Muir, Linda Wards, Jacqueline Johnstone, Julia Bews, Lindsay Nicholson, Arnie McAdie, Keith Foubister, John McAdie, Anita Davidson, Sheila Brown, Valerie Dennison, Marcus Foubister, Hunter Dennison, Stanley Rendall, David Swannie, Kay Meason, Sylvia Muir, Phyllis Hepburn, Gordon Rendall, Alan Work, Mr J McDonald, Miss Marr, Eileen Sinclair, Mr McInnes, Janet Brown, Leslie Learmonth Photo
Wedding of Eric Hutchison and Bethia Sinclair, 1929. Photo-715 053EB9F6-AD4F-43C7-B35D-9EA4D0475650 Robert Sinclair, Headgeo, Eric Hutchison, 1929, Bethia Sinclair, wedding, Bethia Hutchison Photo
Wedding Party of Isobel and James Sinclair, 1932. Photo-724 AF3DA9DA-F33A-4A4F-A665-860F38D94FE2 James Sinclair, Robert Sinclair, wedding, 1932, Isobel Sinclair, Elizabeth Sinclair, Bessie Sinclair Photo