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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Wedding Party of Mr and Mrs D Work, 1949. Photo-740 DB5D73DE-0EE4-4295-ACAE-41A9670D029A D Work, wedding, 1949 Photo
Wedding of Kathleen Rendall and Rueben Johnstone, 1949. Photo-741 E22C645B-22FE-42E0-BE14-C9501665DBAE Kathleen Rendall, Reuben Johnston, wedding, Edna Johnston, 1949 Photo
Old Kirk on occasion of Bill Nicholson's funeral. Photo-742 18242003-12C5-4970-9518-8865EA2C118D Bill Nicholson, Old Kirk, Funeral, South Kirk Photo
Old South Kirk. Photo-743 CA29B742-A8B9-4597-AA12-BA864D600445 Old Kirk, South Kirk Photo
Old Kirk with Kirkyard. Photo-744 E9CAC181-B168-4B8C-8A90-FC218EDC17F9 Old Kirk, South Kirk, Kirkyard Photo
Church of Scotland, New Kirk. Photo-745 A22050E5-A1FA-4314-9A64-6B2067515685 Church of Scotland, New Kirk Photo
New Kirk Interior. Photo-746 E4595A15-2F43-4EF2-BC4F-81B195E40256 Church of Scotland, New Kirk, pews Photo
New Kirk Manse. Photo-747 5B5449CC-E9B7-47D1-996B-2EAED6C1116E Church of Scotland, New Kirk, manse, North Kirk Photo
Congregational Kirk and Manse. Photo-748 B9C30D60-10B6-42D5-B004-4FAD89B0A920 Congregational Kirk, Monquhanny, manse Photo
Congregational Kirk and Manse. Photo-749 EF466F0B-DD57-4250-B83B-B454837CCAF3 Congregational Kirk, Monquhanny, manse Photo
Interior of Congregational Kirk. Photo-750 B6762E36-CE6D-4F04-906F-7C43F25C198F Congregational Kirk, interior, Monquhanny, pulpit Photo
Congregational Kirk Pulpit. Photo-751 ABDF80F5-D55C-4533-AD16-988BEFEE37D1 Congregational Kirk, interior, Monquhanny, pulpit, Communion cups Photo
Wedding of Claire Bews and John Hepburn. Photo-752 5FB00777-D573-4364-8C57-611B71221FAA John David Work, Claire Bews, Margaret Hepburn, John Nicholson, Tommy Nicholson, Maggie Anne Nicholson, Violet Sinclair, Violet Nicholson, Mimie Nicholson, John Hepburn, wedding, Annie Skea, Mimie Sinclair, Netta Hepburn, Margaret Work, Jemima Nicholson, Frances Nicholson, Mo Hepburn, Johnny O' The Shop, Maidie Hepburn, Annie Hepburn, Mo Nicholson, Frances Garson, Toddy Nicholson, Netta Groat, Claire Hepburn, Douglas Leslie, Janetta Hepburn, Lily Agnes Leslie, Lily Nicholson, Jacky O' Newlot, Jook Sinclair, Maidie Work, Maggie Anne Hepburn, John Hepbur Photo
Nicholson Family at wedding of Claire Bews and John Hepburn Photo-753 90458933-EE3E-4517-A6AE-E2E07709F513 Claire Bews, Nicholson, John Hepburn, wedding, Claire Hepburn Photo
Wedding Party of Sandy Drever and Rosemary Mowat, June 1950. Photo-754 CB16E752-BCE3-41A9-8E91-3D5CDD0AC21C Sandy Drever, wedding, Alexander Drever, George Harcus, 1950, Rosemary Drever, Vera McAdie, Rosemary Mowat Photo
Wedding of Sandy and Wilma Brown, 1956. Photo-755 89BFD9FC-4C11-49C9-86C2-C01CAB2E7C3F wedding, 1956, Alexander Brown, Wilma, Sandy Brown Photo
Wedding Party of Alfred Learmonth and Hazel Work, 1957. Photo-756 ABD747EA-514D-49FC-89B5-B04E72C39E47 wedding, Margaret Work, Maidie Work, Hazel Work, John Learmonth, 1957, Hazel Learmonth, Alfred Learmonth Photo
Wedding of Maisie Skea and Duncan Work, 1957. Photo-757 80777BE1-75BB-47F8-AB86-6D040619798D Ostoft, Maisie Skea, Duncan Work, Maisie Work, wedding, Margaret Skea, 1957, Margaret Skethaway Skea Photo
Wedding of Helen Flett and John Bews, 1959. Photo-758 ABD0D76E-3019-427E-BCDD-C4E37BBBDC01 John Bews, wedding, 1959, Helen Flett, Helen Bews Photo
Group at Wedding of Helen Flett and John Bews. Photo-759 4BFD96EA-43B8-44A9-9E70-EBA04BE9605B John Bews, Isobel Dennison, Jim Sinclair, Johnny Wards, Violet Sinclair, Pearl Dennison, wedding, Daisy Bruce, John Bruce, Rose Sinclair, 1959, Helen Flett, Fred Johnstone, Peem Sinclair, John Dennison, May Johnstone, Helen Bews Photo
Wedding of Captain and Mrs R Dennison. Photo-760 B963D549-1E33-44C2-8BC4-C66EAA2F2CE2 captain Dennison, wedding, R Dennison Photo
Wedding Party of Isma Learmonth and James Sinclair, March 1961. Photo-761 D7572A86-043D-4A4A-9D4B-DBF3E9FDFC31 1961, James Sinclair, wedding, Murray Sinclair, Isobel Sinclair, Isma Sinclair, Isobel Mary Learmonth, Isma Learmonth Photo
Wedding of Ellen Jean Groat and James Sinclair. First wedding at Howanbank Tearooms. Photo-762 9C64CF63-A1F3-4C68-815D-17FAC9965CE5 James Sinclair, wedding, Ellen Jean Groat, Ellen Jean Sinclair, Howanbank, Jim o Lucknow Photo
Wedding Group of Jean Wards and Robert Wallace, June 1961. Photo-763 B01D50CB-A166-417B-A91A-EC48B39F3E18 Jean Wallace, 1961, wedding, Jean Wards, Jean Nicholson, James Eunson, Linda Wards, Robert Wallace Photo
Wedding of Elizabeth Groat and William Miller, 1962. Photo-764 FB3FC754-A644-4129-910E-B8D4BC4E6D16 1962, wedding, Ann Miller, William Miller, Elizabeth Groat, Elizabeth Miller Photo