Tag: 1952

Use a commas or 'OR', or 'AND' to separate keywords. Example: Cat, Dog AND Elephant. This will find records containing 'Cat' or both 'Dog AND Elephant'.
Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
The Diggings in 1952. Photo-456 22B7CBAF-4912-4B00-98C2-BA5CA03827EB Diggings, 1952 Photo
Haquoy, during harvest 1952. Photo-476 797F1BD8-F798-4742-A64B-39E454F2D75C Haquoy, 1952, harvest Photo
Sandsend after hurricane, 1952. Photo-511 4D1AC6F4-6B6C-4702-8975-3A3CA1C4C10A Sandsend, 1952, hurricane Photo