Tag: Balfour Castle

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Peter Maxwell in Balfour Castle grounds, near the tennis court. Photo-87 6F50DCDA-A1CE-43B5-A35D-C10D18346E90 Peter Maxwell, Balfour Castle Photo
Barbara Wards, quilting, at Balfour Castle. Photo-140 AD9D6B13-1C66-4498-A838-EE787F59E786 Balfour Castle, crafting, patchwork quilt, Orkney chair, Barbara Wards Photo
Billy Liddell and William Sinclair of Ashley Cottage, in Balfour Castle grounds. Photo-164 48E07263-C31C-4A36-A2DF-5DBEDB7970CC Astley Cottage, Balfour Castle, William Sinclair, Billy Liddell Photo
David Work (Ness), David Balfour (Balfour Castle), David Kemp (Bayview), and John Hepburn (Newlot), 1950s. Photo-178 412A2C21-78B7-4DB0-AEB7-31CEFA59472C Balfour Castle, Ness, David Work, Bayview, Newlot, John Hepburn senior, 1950s, David Kemp, David Balfour Photo
Unknown group in Balfour Castle grounds. Photo-219 C5B2E27B-AF24-4EBE-98B9-984C9C7A9360 Balfour Castle Photo
Unknown child at Balfour Castle steps. Photo-220 FAC41048-7737-422F-B5D0-43C68A9FCBA8 Balfour Castle Photo