Tag: 1950s

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
David Work (Ness), David Balfour (Balfour Castle), David Kemp (Bayview), and John Hepburn (Newlot), 1950s. Photo-178 412A2C21-78B7-4DB0-AEB7-31CEFA59472C Balfour Castle, Ness, David Work, Bayview, Newlot, John Hepburn senior, 1950s, David Kemp, David Balfour Photo
Jim Sinclair and Jim Hepburn, with Old Mac the dog, at the Agricultural show, 1950s. Photo-181 FE21E1EC-CAD6-4820-B11C-ED4912EE2944 Jim Hepburn, Agricultural show, dog, Lucknow, Jim Sinclair, 1950s Photo
Flett family, 1950s. Photo-259 1807ABBF-E1BE-4206-BA48-AA097AA3188C 1950s, Flett Photo