Tag: Billy Russell

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Russell family at The Glebe, Late 1950's. Photo-353 9C791E4F-3840-4CA8-A6A9-D0F129025A63 The Glebe, Morag Russell, car, 1950s, Audrey Russell, Danny Russell, Billy Russell, cat Photo
South School, 1961. Mrs Sinclair's Class. Photo-647 FFB941CB-BE18-4DB5-8CF7-08759B7F9F4E John Leslie, John David Work, Stanley Bews, Alistair Foubister, Jimmy Muir, 1961, Alan Sinclair, Gary Nicholson, George Muir, Alan McAdie, George Gray, Jean Foubister, Danny Russell, Billy Russell, Mrs Sinclair, South School, Alistair Skea, Kenny Swannie, Eleanor Delday, John Johnston, Brian Rendall, Ivan Rendall, Bridget Foulis, Leonard Roberton, Joy Sinclair, Robert Mack Photo
South School, 1964. Photo-651 913E6BA1-9105-4637-8EB6-13B351DC97E3 John David Work, Stanley Bews, Alistair Foubister, Tommy Leslie, 1964, Alan Sinclair, Robert Sinclair, Reuben Johnston, George Muir, Neil Sinclair, Colin Rendall, Billy Russell, Mrs Sinclair, South School, Inga Work, James Drever, Eddie Sinclair, John Johnston, James Muir, Brian Rendall, Pat Swannie, Ellen Drever, Margaret Johnston, Eric Muir, Alan Muir, Elaine Sinclair, Michael Nicholson, Lorraine Swannie, Monica Foubister, Elsie Davidson, Ivan Rendall, Norman Muir, Linda Wards, Jacqueline Johnstone, Julia Bews, Lindsay Nicholson, Arnie McAdie, Keith Foubister, John McAdie, Anita Davidson, Sheila Brown, Valerie Dennison, Marcus Foubister, Hunter Dennison, Stanley Rendall, David Swannie, Kay Meason, Sylvia Muir, Phyllis Hepburn, Gordon Rendall, Alan Work, Mr J McDonald, Miss Marr, Eileen Sinclair, Mr McInnes, Janet Brown, Leslie Learmonth Photo
South School, 1964. Mr McInnes's Class. Photo-652 2ACF0943-3CEB-4B86-A08E-F746759C2536 John David Work, Stanley Bews, Alistair Foubister, 1964, Alan Sinclair, George Muir, Billy Russell, South School, Jim Muir, John Johnston, Brian Rendall, Ivan Rendall, Eileen Sinclair, Mr McInnes Photo
Group of Soldiers at Kinghorn Camp, Fife, 1912,. Photo-805 C867E818-6202-4621-BD50-B63BED6E1C75 Newfield, J Bews, Strathore, WW1, Billy Russell, 1912, John Craigie, Sgt Mowatt, Kinghorn Camp, Fife Photo