Tag: Newhouse

Use a commas or 'OR', or 'AND' to separate keywords. Example: Cat, Dog AND Elephant. This will find records containing 'Cat' or both 'Dog AND Elephant'.
Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Mr and Mrs Russell of Newhouse. Photo-350 5E2C154F-F757-4AEC-8234-FE39416B16E1 Russell, Newhouse Photo
Willie and Isie Sinclair, Newhouse. Photo-369 7EF10F7E-1F6F-48B5-9BC3-EFA523BFC384 William Sinclair, Isa Sinclair, Newhouse, Isie Sinclair Photo
William Sinclair, Isie Sinclair at Newhouse with dog. Photo-370 105D6AAC-FA2B-4695-BB39-6EDEEDE05B5E dog, William Sinclair, Isa Sinclair, Newhouse, Isie Sinclair, Advertisement sign Photo
Newhouse. Photo-505 24045A78-B7A5-4183-A3D6-405857733BFB haystack, Newhouse Photo