Tag: Swartaquoy

Use a commas or 'OR', or 'AND' to separate keywords. Example: Cat, Dog AND Elephant. This will find records containing 'Cat' or both 'Dog AND Elephant'.
Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Waterwheel at Swartaquoy. Photo-527 B634927B-8BCA-452F-9184-FB0B5C2A6905 waterwheel, Billy Scolley, Swartaquoy Photo
Swartaquoy, late 1940s. Photo-528 B5FA934F-AA18-4CB9-B2F6-C121942AD88E Poultry, 1940s, Swartaquoy Photo
J Pratt at back of Swartaquoy. Photo-529 51D6B3F8-5281-4E1E-B418-EDDF87A223F8 Swartaquoy, J Pratt Photo