Tag: blacksmith

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
James Twatt, blacksmith, from Anvil cottage. Photo-137 blacksmith, 1916, James Twatt, Anvil cottage Photo
James Twatt, shoeing horse at Smithstown. Photo-138 FCE7975C-52A7-49F6-9E19-A3737BE34F97 horse, blacksmith, James Twatt, Reid, W Twatt, Smithstown Photo
William Tinch, John Geddes, and David Craigie in boat. Photo-150 85AEBB94-D30B-40FD-A8CA-42102BF7050F boat, blacksmith, William Tinch, David Craigie, Brecken quarry, John Geddes Photo
John Geddes and John Tinch, early 1900s. Photo-152 D1F905BC-CCEE-49B2-8061-7E86F83B59CF blacksmith, John Geddes, 1900s, John Tinch Photo
John Geddes (blacksmith), Robert Rendall, Mr Alexander, Harry Russell, and Mr Heddle of Hilton. Photo-165 B6C456FE-BF37-4077-A08C-A09F6CB3FAE8 Hilton, blacksmith, John Geddes, Harry Russell, Alexander, Heddle, Robert Rendall Photo
The Twatt family at Smithstown. Photo-395 93B02273-AE2E-4FDE-BB4A-14F9F6D4D8C3 cow, blacksmith, Smithstown, Twatt Photo
J Twatt and family, Smithstown. Photo-396 72764A52-32A6-4875-BD21-221587D25858 blacksmith, Smithstown, 1900s, J Twatt Photo