Tag: display

Use a commas or 'OR', or 'AND' to separate keywords. Example: Cat, Dog AND Elephant. This will find records containing 'Cat' or both 'Dog AND Elephant'.
Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Iona by Jim Pratt Audio-11 Iona, Poem, display, boat, Jim Pratt Audio
Ro-ro with Edith Tate Audio-12 ro-ro, display, ferry, Edith Tait
Jim Hepburn, Fishing tale Audio-13 Jim Hepburn, story, oral history, display, fishing Audio
Dorothy - washdays, cheese Audio-14 oral history, farming, Dorothy, cheese, display Audio
Jim Pratt, Boat trip to toon Audio-15 display, Poem, boat, Jim Pratt Audio
Jean Wallace, school days Audio-16 Jean Wallace, school, oral history, display Audio
Kenny Meason, Mill Meal Sacks Audio-17 display, farming, oral history, Kenny Meason, mill Audio
Margaret and Dorothy, school days Audio-18 school, oral history, Dorothy, display, Margaret Audio
Cindy, Astley Cottage Shop Audio-19 shop, oral history, display, Astley Cottage Audio
Kenny Meason, Harvest Home Audio-20 farming, Harvest Home, display, Kenny Meason, oral history, social life Audio
Kenny Meason, Shapinsay Picnic Audio-21 social life, oral history, display, Kenny Meason, picnic Audio
From Boo To Starn Video-23 on dinghy7Portrait John Leslie, boat building, display, film, Mark Jenkins, boat Video