Tag: opening

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Opening of The Gatehouse Pub, November 1983. Photo-607 2A0514A5-164A-40B8-956B-D2C7755CE214 opening, 1983, The Gatehouse Pub Photo
Opening of The Gatehouse pub, November 1983. Photo-608 6334EBA2-880A-480C-A6C4-2696F105FC3A opening, 1983, The Gatehouse Pub Photo
Ina and John Leslie, Mike Taylor at the Opening of The Gatehouse Pub, November 1983. Photo-609 26A60408-3B7E-45B1-8063-4EAFF499FD4E opening, John Leslie, 1983, Ina Leslie (nee Mainland), Mike Taylor, The Gatehouse Pub Photo
Opening of The Gatehouse Pub in November 1983. Photo-610 19A46656-5BCE-461F-BD80-833CA59A51E6 opening, 1983, The Gatehouse Pub Photo
The Opening of The Gatehouse Pub, November 1983. Photo-611 B3376314-76A6-4E5D-9257-BB16B202CE32 opening, 1983, The Gatehouse Pub Photo