Tag: Work

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
John David Work with champion cow Photo-25 image0-14-1 lifestock, cow, 1980's, Agricultural show, farming, Work, John David Work Photo
Mr And Mrs Work, Barbara Bews(?), and Duncan Work. Pillar built by Mack Kent and Colin Rendall. Photo-155 87D5E9C2-123A-4140-99BD-DCF6DF8F56F6 Colin Rendall], Barbara Bews, Work, Duncan Work, Mack Kent Photo
Golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Rendall, Nisthouse. Photo-196 096CDFFC-23A1-4C70-8DBD-A9F91D4CDC08 Caskald, Rendall, Nisthouse, Work, Golden wedding, Veantro, Walls Photo
Mr Work and grandchildren at Scarpagarth. Photo-402 056DC5B6-CC10-4CD6-9954-E0A25D3EFDB6 poultry brooder, Willie Drever, Poultry, Scarpagarth, Work Photo
Grandma Work from Ness. With relations from Glasgow. Photo-406 46BEA963-4544-4983-9D6C-83E3B5C23A42 Ness, Work, Glasgow, Alice, Phemie, Jimmy, Mabeth, May Photo