Tag: Bews

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Bews Family Photo-33 5BFE6C01-FC03-4233-B67A-0F454247FC22 Jim Pratt, Belle Bews, Peter Pratt, Claire Bews, Barry Bews, Bews, East Lairo, Mary Jean Bews, Johnny Bews Photo
Mr Bews of Newfield, County Show Day. Photo-36 D2ADC418-6317-491A-90F5-12576DC901AF Newfield, Bews, monkey, County show Photo
Mr and Mrs Bews, of Newfield, with his cousin. Photo-241 FE29E8A8-119D-4B90-BDDA-E4F0280A4A59 Newfield, Bews Photo
Mr and Mrs Bews of Newfield, on their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Photo-242 B84EAD81-7117-47ED-9E7D-5C7D88273CC9 Newfield, Bews, 60th Wedding Anniversary Photo
Five Bews brothers. Photo-243 766CFD00-946F-43B1-A3A1-586EC3B96041 Bews, 1940s, uniform Photo
Grandmothers at WRI, 1967. Photo-886 B5C71017-E3DC-4B8F-841D-38A71F3596BC Work, Bews, 1967, Nicholson, Ness, Rendall, WRI, Sinclair, Muir, Skea, Robertson, Miller, Wards Photo