Tag: Johnny Bews

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Bews Family Photo-33 5BFE6C01-FC03-4233-B67A-0F454247FC22 Jim Pratt, Belle Bews, Peter Pratt, Claire Bews, Barry Bews, Bews, East Lairo, Mary Jean Bews, Johnny Bews Photo
Johnny Bews with Boys Brigade cup Photo-37 73107C50-B342-4BF4-AAA5-3A0B6F850FB4 Johnny Bews, !950, Boy's Brigade Photo
Bews Family on a Sunday afternoon. Photo-246 84C0AE67-9060-43E7-B7D5-B32DE5E13167 Jim Pratt, Belle Bews, Peter Pratt, Claire Bews, Mary Jean Bews, Johnny Bews, dog, Skenstoft, Barrie Bews(Barbara), Dog Nellie(?) Photo