Tag: Skenstoft

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Dorothy Groat carrying water, at Skenstoft. Photo-60 ED0A26D8-DB06-43A6-A730-9B616B174F0D dog, Dorothy Laird, Dorothy Groat, 1960s, Skenstoft Photo
Mrs I Groat of Skenstoft, on 90th birthday. Photo-61 A5B71154-A944-479F-B89B-B0C8B500B131 Skenstoft, I Groat Photo
Bews Family on a Sunday afternoon. Photo-246 84C0AE67-9060-43E7-B7D5-B32DE5E13167 Jim Pratt, Belle Bews, Peter Pratt, Claire Bews, Mary Jean Bews, Johnny Bews, dog, Skenstoft, Barrie Bews(Barbara), Dog Nellie(?) Photo
Groat family at Skenstoft. Photo-264 943FC9AB-52AE-4C21-AE2B-42AE7CE2666E Skenstoft, Groat Photo
Groat family group at Skenstoft. Photo-265 4E714936-FF4F-4CA6-8BB4-28A84A301676 Skenstoft, Groat Photo
Maggie and Bella Groat. Photo-266 99B03F41-767E-4885-8E5F-FF1E44180868 Skenstoft, Maggie Groat senior, Bella Groat Photo
Geordie and Dorothy Laird (nee Groat) at Skenstoft. Photo-312 1D6F4A20-0AE6-456C-B86E-138B572C27D4 Dorothy Laird, Dorothy Groat, Skenstoft, car, George Laird Photo
A women's outing. Photo-418 A57752D4-1D0B-4712-B9E5-575F88F0781B Skenstoft, Rendall, Busgarth, Groat, Muir, A Thomson, Braefoot, Eunson, C Bews, Rosecraigie Photo
Buttermaking Class at Drill Hall. Photo-422 33A337BC-614B-4E84-890A-CF200A5573F6 Skenstoft, Whitecleat, Hutchison, J Sinclair, Headgeo, 1930s, Sandgarth, Meg Drever, Chrissie Mainland, Mary Rendall, Anna Work, Bethia Sinclair, buttermaking, Jean Pelvie, Dairy Rendall, Daisy Bruce, Betty Bews, Garth, Dorothy Kirkness, Tillock servant, Helen Jean Wards, Mary Bews, Miss Boyd, Drill Hall, Mary Lennie, Vida Rendall, Rhoda Groat, Mr Wood, Missie Kemp Photo
The Good Templars Society. Photo-434 C472D939-C28B-461B-B5D8-5E3F88C955F9 Skenstoft, Northhill, temperance association, D Cooper, The Good templars society, Hepburn, J Drever, Tommy Mowat Photo
Skenstoft, before addition of porch. Photo-519 468B098F-8478-47D0-956B-258156FE63AE Skenstoft Photo
Skenstoft, with porch. Photo-520 C23369B1-D139-496C-9332-27E28AA354A6 Skenstoft Photo
North School, before 1915. Photo-613 7C98900B-D5D4-48D3-9E3F-FD2231A7E552 Jim Hepburn, Skenstoft, Linton, Haquoy, James Sinclair, William Work, Maggie Craigie, 1915, Jim Groat, Lilly Robertson, Diggings, John Hepburn, Lily Irvine, William Shearer, Bethia Sinclair, Esther Sinclair, Polly Sinclair, Tommy Walls, Lily Work, Cissy Shearer, Lizzie Jean Sinclair, Bethia Hutchison, North School, Lily Kent, Esther Work, Nan Inkster, Bella Jean Groat, Pekin, Polly Hutchison, Agnes Work, William Harcus, Edith Inkster, Teenie Inkster, Lizzie Jean Budge, Jessie Mowat Photo