Tag: agriculture

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
George Thomson cutting peat, with "Luggy". Photo-135 F55AE557-6A69-4D8F-BBA9-6B57D8054E45 George Thomson, agriculture, cutting peat Photo
Mrs Dryborough, with Richard Mowatt at Netherbigging. Photo-195 004F35C6-4D22-4AD8-898E-69C8E5ACBA15 agriculture, Netherbigging, Dryborough, Richard Mowatt Photo
Edwin Hepburn, Lin Shearer, And Jim Hepburn singling neeps at Kirkton. Photo-278 73E85D72-5B8D-4B29-B4F1-9370F98FBB87_4_5005_c Jim Hepburn, Kirkton, agriculture, Edwin Hepburn, Lin Shearer Photo
Bringing sheaves at Kirkton, 1935. Photo-286 FFEA5177-0848-451C-BB80-430CFB234E9A Kirkton, horse, agriculture, cart, Emily Monroe Photo
Haymaking at Linton, 1936. Photo-289 8ABFB67E-0E6F-4918-B995-C06BCE48CEA6 Jim Hepburn, Kirkton, Linton, Agnes Hepburn, Kathleen Rendall, J Sinclair, agriculture, haystack, Edith Hepburn, Mary Hepburn, Lin Shearer, 1936, Pearl Walls, Greta Rendall, J Wards Photo
Irving family at Easthouse, early 1900s. Photo-301 D4CAB773-4D24-48DC-A442-7313DCE4F787 dog, Elizabeth Irving, horse, agriculture, 1900s, easthouse, Jane Ann Irving, James Irving senior, William Irving, plough, Jane Irving, James Irving junior Photo
James senior, Molly, Mary, and Frances Meason, singling needs. Photo-328 FFF54D54-1D4F-43BD-9D87-11BF52CF0357 James Meason senior, Frances Meason, Molly Meason, agriculture, Mary Meason, singling neeps Photo