Tag: easthouse

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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
John Hepburn, Lily and William Irvine(Easthouse), Jean Ann and James Hepburn junior. Photo-288 9EED7D3A-2D0C-4DE8-B56F-6290A361A91F John D Hepburn, James Hepburn junior, Jean Ann Hepburn, William Irvine, easthouse, Lily Irvine Photo
Group of men. Photo-300 BCD0D852-C548-43D4-AC33-A012A75E6E77 Livaness, Housebay, Northhill, Tio Ha, Headgeo, William Irvine, easthouse, William Shearer, James Scott, James Irvine, Magnus Hutchison, Robbie Hepburn Photo
Irving family at Easthouse, early 1900s. Photo-301 D4CAB773-4D24-48DC-A442-7313DCE4F787 dog, Elizabeth Irving, horse, agriculture, 1900s, easthouse, Jane Ann Irving, James Irving senior, William Irving, plough, Jane Irving, James Irving junior Photo
Mr M senior and Mrs Kent, with M Kent junior, at Easthouse. Photo-307 BBA601A5-87E8-4B70-8A1C-F09ABF458538 easthouse, M Kent Photo