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Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Laughton family with fiddle. Photo-314 CED94168-DF39-42AD-99FF-7C3D6A76F048 Frustigarth, Meason, Furrowend, J Laughton, John Laughton Photo
Tammy Leslie, and sister Miss Leslie, farm servant at Odinstone and Lingro. He also mended boots. Photo-315 D7EFA08E-FC7C-420A-857F-363D5D2C8C32_4_5005_c Lingro, Odinstone, Tammy Leslie, farm servant, mended boots Photo
McAdie family at Pictou. Photo-316 0514785B-6699-4DCE-9B5B-8B4CA03475BC McAdie, Pictou Photo
The McAdie family at Greenataing. Photo-317 AE4E869D-65DB-4AD4-8C16-A06F6A24BFB2 dog, bicycle, Greenataing, McAdie Photo
Mr and Mrs MacKay and children. Photo-318 B7E0AFE2-A7FE-4D41-9132-4726C5C6F4F1 Williamson photo, MacKay Photo
Mainland family at Stenso. Photo-319 0ACD84AB-76F4-427C-B9EA-12579C309682 Stenso, Mainland, Robertson Mainland, Ollie Mainland, Elizabeth Mainland, Sheila Mainland, Willie Mainland, Danny Mainland, Mary Mainland Photo
Silver Wedding Anniversary of Mr and Mrs Mainland. Photo-320 38DF18AD-B22F-4290-9211-8B9CFC82532E dog, Robertson Mainland, Maggie Walls, John Robert Leslie, Marlene Mainland (nee Robinson), Silver wedding anniversary, 1969, Ina Leslie (nee Mainland), Peggy Mainland Photo
The Mainland Family at Inkerman, during WW1. Photo-321 996F8D06-37EB-427E-B3F9-2DAE74CC8328 WW1, Mainland, Inkerman Photo
The Maxwell Sisters. Photo-322 958E76DB-DD55-40A9-AFC8-4E887644630C Maxwell Photo
James Meason senior, at Frustigarth. Photo-323 97F0BE6A-90F6-4B51-B830-9B6310146175 Frustigarth, James Meason senior, Orkney chair Photo
James Meason junior at Pictou. Photo-324 20344EBD-7FD5-4DFC-A1B3-E83F49623741 James Meason, Pictou Photo
Meason family at Frustigarth. Photo-325 3FAB8995-F496-44A2-A7C2-CE187BD404EF Frustigarth, Meason, James Hepburn senior Photo
Mary Meason, spinning. Photo-326 4B692100-E3FD-46A8-9AB5-BA251021069A spinning wheel, Orkney chair, Mary Meason Photo
Mary Meason with Jim Meason as a baby. Photo-327 30CC0B1F-8E2E-43ED-B2BF-A24EFED482CA Jim Meason, Mary Meason Photo
James senior, Molly, Mary, and Frances Meason, singling needs. Photo-328 FFF54D54-1D4F-43BD-9D87-11BF52CF0357 James Meason senior, Frances Meason, Molly Meason, agriculture, Mary Meason, singling neeps Photo
Measons of Frustigarth. Photo-329 9887A381-722A-45D6-AF36-F2A5370865C0 Frustigarth, Jim Meason, James Meason senior, Frances Meason, Molly Meason, Mary Meason, Jeemie Meason, Daisy Meason, Dissy Meason Photo
Jim Meason (centre) with cousins, in front of waterwheel, at Frustigarth. Photo-330 3C7586C2-B97E-4C6D-BA04-8BF0381E0961 Frustigarth, Jim Meason, waterwheel Photo
Kitty and Maggie Mitchell, at Ostoft. Photo-331 971E0260-13E5-4C76-8C7D-0FA507C76A97 Ostoft, Maggie Mitchell, Kitty Mitchell Photo
Jessie, and Reverend Moore, with unidentified man. Photo-332 5B9C538D-413C-4D2F-BAC7-5F1FC53B1654 Jessie Sutherland, Reverend Moore, Jessie Moore Photo
W, and George Muir, winners of Post Office raffle, New Year's Eve, 1982. Photo-333 B1CE28C5-3056-4F4C-8B27-E2AC2A8E8D97 George Muir, 1982, W Muir, New Year Photo
Jimmy and George Muir, Gorn, 1973. Photo-334 EE3A9219-C465-4FD5-8194-79348E56D59B Jimmy Muir, Gorn, 1973, George Muir Photo
The Muir Family at Gorn. Photo-335 4480999E-94B6-48CF-ABEA-65FD85AA46D9 Gorn, Muir Photo
Nicholson family, 1925. Photo-336 8FEA53DE-3187-4C95-B537-FAFEBE842181 Willie Nicholson, Alfie Nicholson, Jean Ann Nicholson, Bill Nicholson, 1925, Jim Nicholson Photo
Nicholson family, Elwick. Photo-337 ED01287E-27EE-4DF8-8222-5A45D8083D3C_4_5005_c Elwick, Mack Nicholson, Jim McConnachie, Jane Nicholson, Teenie Nicholson, Isa McConnachie, Malcolm Nicholson senior, Isa Nicholson, Jane Reid Photo
Four generations of John Nicholsons. Photo-338 FD92C2F1-B5AB-464E-8D81-FD4045E8BC62 John Nicholson, 1940 Photo