Use a commas or 'OR', or 'AND' to separate keywords. Example: Cat, Dog AND Elephant. This will find records containing 'Cat' or both 'Dog AND Elephant'.
Name of object Record id Cover image Location of object Tags Categories
Groat family at Skenstoft. Photo-264 943FC9AB-52AE-4C21-AE2B-42AE7CE2666E Skenstoft, Groat Photo
Groat family group at Skenstoft. Photo-265 4E714936-FF4F-4CA6-8BB4-28A84A301676 Skenstoft, Groat Photo
Maggie and Bella Groat. Photo-266 99B03F41-767E-4885-8E5F-FF1E44180868 Skenstoft, Maggie Groat senior, Bella Groat Photo
Helen and Jim Groat as babies in pram, 1913. Photo-267 9C2555FF-B902-43A1-8159-6D35821F790C Jim Groat, pram, Helen Groat, 1913 Photo
The Hay sisters. Photo-268 755FFA65-8D2C-44D6-90E8-B8EEE5AFE6CA dog, Ann Hay, Maggie Hay, Clara Hay Photo
Mr and Mrs Heddle. Photo-269 F0BF0105-D37C-461A-93B2-30C8A4C4D63F Heddle Photo
Heddle family at Park Hall. Photo-270 EA6338AE-83CF-4D3B-84AB-28E7101E1A41 dog, Ann Heddle, Anna Heddle, Park Hall, Heddle, Mackie Heddle, Alice Heddle, Alice Heddle senior, Jim Heddle Photo
Mr and Mrs Heddle senior, Alice Heddle, and Miss Levach, at Park Hall. Photo-271 C1179079-47F7-4F64-AF00-333AE76BD924 dog, Park Hall, Heddle, Alice Heddle, Miss Levach Photo
Anna and Mackie Heddle as children. Photo-272 1D46AF2E-CF4A-4553-852E-531E5B20BA61 Anna Heddle, Mackie Heddle Photo
Ann and Mary Heddle, with George Work. Photo-273 B517282E-2D79-4276-B827-E8B227B55A9E dog, Ann Heddle, horse, George Work, Bu House, Mary Heddle, cart Photo
Mackie Heddle with Alice Towers (nee Heddle), Summer 1980. Photo-274 3F9E8E37-6B11-482D-AC55-4B598DAFA3C8 1980, Mackie Heddle, Alice Heddle, Alice Towers Photo
James Hepburn junior, from Northhill, with May and James Hepburn senior at Linton. Photo-275 253F2393-7C44-40B8-BAB7-7F41A4D3E356 Linton, May Hepburn, Northhill, James Hepburn senior, James Hepburn junior Photo
James Hepburn junior and senior from Linton, with John Hourston from Barebraes, in 1929. Photo-276 51ECBB76-1BBF-4D96-92EC-32E2399CBE52 Linton, John Hourston, James Hepburn senior, James Hepburn junior, 1929, Barebraes Photo
Hepburn family 1930s. Photo-277 7C7A3E58-2CAE-4780-8DBA-8B55B6D23963 Jim Hepburn, May Hepburn, Agnes Hepburn, James Hepburn senior, James Hepburn junior, Edith Hepburn, Mary Hepburn Photo
Edwin Hepburn, Lin Shearer, And Jim Hepburn singling neeps at Kirkton. Photo-278 73E85D72-5B8D-4B29-B4F1-9370F98FBB87_4_5005_c Jim Hepburn, Kirkton, agriculture, Edwin Hepburn, Lin Shearer Photo
Schoolmaster David Hepburn, with his wife, and his sister Jean Hepburn. Photo-279 319E9704-27E4-4F93-8E95-D672C2C053F6 dog, spinning wheel, Jean Hepburn, David Hepburn, schoolmaster Photo
Hepburn family at Linton, 1936. Photo-280 BC6079E2-11DC-4760-BC20-C23CDD47A1A7 Jim Hepburn, dog, Linton, May Hepburn, Agnes Hepburn, horse, Kathleen Rendall, Nisthouse, Bob Sinclair, cart, James Hepburn senior, James Hepburn junior, Edith Hepburn, Mary Hepburn, Lin Shearer, 1936, Agnes Shearer, Greta Innes, Mary Learmouth, Joan Whurr, Pearl Walls, Greta Rendall, Kathleen Johnston Photo
Lin Shearer, J Tait, Jim Hepburn, John D Hepburn, Agnes Shearer at Linton , 1974. Photo-281 2C3A7767-1453-4F90-AABB-FDA634C7CF49 Jim Hepburn, Linton, John D Hepburn, Lin Shearer, Agnes Shearer, J Tait, 1974 Photo
Aggie and James Hepburn junior of Linton, 1905/6. Photo-282 60B6F835-F297-4898-90AA-B7AC53AA58F8 Linton, James Hepburn junior, Aggie hepburn, 1905/6 Photo
Hepburn family portrait, 1905/6. Photo-283 FF31ADEE-370A-4E38-9C10-D6C921FBF117 James Hepburn junior, Aggie hepburn, 1905/6 Photo
James Hepburn senior and May Hepburn at Linton, 1951/2. Photo-284 938B9A6A-7A5A-46BC-BBAD-832A27183E42 Linton, May Hepburn, James Hepburn senior, 1951/2 Photo
Hepburns of Linton, 1921. Photo-285 D747C513-8846-482B-B87C-A38746BA9A91 Linton, May Hepburn, James Hepburn senior, James Hepburn junior, Edith Hepburn, Mary Hepburn, 1921, John Hepburn Photo
Bringing sheaves at Kirkton, 1935. Photo-286 FFEA5177-0848-451C-BB80-430CFB234E9A Kirkton, horse, agriculture, cart, Emily Monroe Photo
Sammy Hepburn with unidentified Hepburn male. Photo-287 C211F3E1-F0D6-406A-926F-550CA00A267F Sammy Hepburn Photo
John Hepburn, Lily and William Irvine(Easthouse), Jean Ann and James Hepburn junior. Photo-288 9EED7D3A-2D0C-4DE8-B56F-6290A361A91F John D Hepburn, James Hepburn junior, Jean Ann Hepburn, William Irvine, easthouse, Lily Irvine Photo